2024-2025 Registration is OPEN

New families interested in touring or registering their child with Faith United Preschool should contact our Director, Marisa Donnelly. Registration forms will be send using our online electronic Brightwheel platform. Our 4 year old and 3 year old am sessions are on a waitlist. We have openings in our 2 day 2 year old MW or TTh 9-11:30am sessions and our 3 day 3 year old MWTh 12:15pm-2:45pm session. 

Contact Info: Marisa Donnelly FaithUnitedPreschool@gmail.com 717 405-6363

Donation List 2023-24 School Year

Faith United Preschool is almost at full capacity. We strive for our students to have the best experience of growing and learning together in our preschool setting and we could use your help. Faith United Preschool students use specific supplies throughout the school year to stay healthy, cover our boo boos, and get messy when creating. Would you consider making a donation?

Check out our amazon wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/19A5W4A9R0ZWZ?ref_=wl_share

2023-2024 Registration info

2023-2024 Registration Info

Current Families 

Registration will begin January 18th through January 30th for the 2023-2024 school year.  Classes will be filled in order that registration paperwork and fee are received.  **Please note there is an AM and PM class for our 3 year old students.  NOTE: The 3 year old am class (16) may fill quickly.  Please plan accordingly.

New Family Enrollees

Registration for new families will begin January 30th and will also be enrolled by order of registration paperwork and fee being received.  

If payment is not received the spot will not be held.  The $40 registration fee is non refundable.

Registration Process:

Current Families will receive a registration paper in their child’s folder.  New families may schedule a quick private tour or print a registration form off the FaithUnitedPreschool.wordpress.com website. (Located in the blog tab)  Mailing info is found on the registration form.  Registration payments must be check or cash.  Venmo is not an option for registration payments.

Class Options:

2 day 2 year old classes:    MW 9:00-11:30am $135      TTH 9:00-11:30am $135 FULL

3 day 3 year old classes:    MWTH 9:00-11:30am $155 FULL     MWTH 12:15-2:45pm   $155 FULL

4 day 4 year old classes:    MTWTH 9:00-11:30am   $175



Faith United Preschool Covid-19 Operating Policies and Procedures 

Health and Safety Plan 

Sept. 2021



At Faith United Preschool, our mission is to provide a safe learning environment and to create educational opportunities for all students.  Our goal is to encourage the development of each child through meaningful play and instruction.  We recognize our families have questions and concerns about the upcoming school year and how it will operate during the pandemic.  This policy and procedure plan was created for physical safety, development, as well as mental and emotional growth.  This document will provide information including health policies, cleaning procedures, and tuition beginning Thursday, September 10th.  This is an extension of our handbook effective immediately.    All plans are subject to change as the CDC/PA Dept of Health releases updated guidance.  We will continually review these guidelines to ensure we are properly following any updates.  The preschool will communicate all changes through writing as quickly as possible.  The health and well-being of our families and staff are our highest priority.  We need your partnership with implementing these policies and procedures so that the preschool can remain open and not have to close due to transmission of Covid-19.  All families will be required to read and sign this policy.  Failure to do so will result in suspension of enrollment until this is completed.  Any and all questions should be directly addressed to the Preschool Director. 

Health/Sickness Policies 

  • Any child or staff member exhibiting signs of illness including cough, sore throat, loss of taste, congestion, or temperature of 100.4 degrees or greater will not be permitted in the building and must be symptom free (with no medicine taken) for 48 hours before returning. 
  • Children who reside with anyone exhibiting flu-like or covid symptoms should remain home and seek the guidance and documentation of a health professional.
  • If a child is sent home with an illness, siblings will also be sent home.
  • Faith United Preschool reserves the right to require a doctor’s note from any child or staff member in order for them to return to the preschool.
  • Runny nose and watery eyes are not Covid symptoms and do not in themselves require a child to stay home; however in conjunction with a second symptom, especially one of Covid, the child is required to stay home.
  • Staff and students with fevers or symptoms associated with Covid should seek medical attention for further evaluation and instructions before returning to school.
  • A student or staff member who is quarantined following close contact with a case may not return to school unless cleared to do so by a medical professional or quarantined for the appropriate amount of time.  See CDC guidelines.
  • Our regular sickness policies will apply.
  • All families are asked to quarantine from preschool for ten days, after travel to high-risk areas.
  • If a child becomes sick at school, the child will be taken to a specific unoccupied room.  A person on the emergency contact list will be notified immediately and the student must be picked up within 30 minutes.  
  • If a student or staff member is diagnosed with Covid-19, those in 6 feet contact will be notified to quarantine. Vaccinated individuals within close contact do not need to quarantine according to current CDC guidelines.  The school will remain open.
  • All families are asked to update the preschool with a known Covid-19 case within your home in order to conduct contact tracing.
  • We will refer to the Department of Health regarding other matters of isolation, return to school policies, and school closures.

Daily Screening Procedures

  • Parents are responsible for visual inspection of the child per symptom guidelines at cdc.gov. before bringing them to preschool.
  • A staff member will also make a visual inspection of the child for illness, which could include rapid breathing, flushed cheeks and/or fatigue.

Drop off/Dismissal Procedures

  • Enter the parking lot and park in the rear of the church.  Parents will drop off children in the doorway.  
  • Parents have the option to wear a mask during drop off outside.  Parents are highly encouraged to wear a mask inside the building at pick up due to the recent mandate.     
  • There will be two entrances to enter the building to stagger student entry.  While dropping off parents should appropriately social distance to the best of their ability.  Students should line up in class line.  Please be ready to move along efficiently. 
  • Preschool doors will open at 8:55am for 4 year old students.  
  • Students will immediately be asked to use hand sanitizer. Once the student has entered the building, they will be escorted up to their classroom.  
  • Students will be dismissed at 11:30am. Teachers will dismiss from the classroom doors.  Parents should social distance to the best of their ability in the hallway near child’s classroom until students are dismissed. Come forward to pick up your child when their class arrives.  Mrs. Lau’s classroom will continue a forward flow of walking traffic exiting the back stairwell.  Donnelly/Ungrady/Smith kids will use the front stairwell. 

Face Masks and Social Distancing

  • The new mandate as of Sept. 7th from the Pa Health Department is requiring a face covering for all staff, students, and visitors.  Faith United Preschool staff and students must wear a face covering unless a medical exemption is submitted and approved. Exceptions can be found on the Pa Dept. of Health Order Section 3.
  • We will offer mask breaks and encourage more outdoor play for breaks.  Please label your masks and provide a back up mask in your child’s bookbag.  
  • As much as possible, play spaces, learning environments, and snack time for children will be structured to social distance. Teachers will determine the best strategies in their classroom.  Please note social development is a huge part of preschool therefore toys may be shared and cooperative play is a need for our students.  One way traffic will be implemented.  
  • We will keep the same teacher and assistant in each room as much as possible.
  • Students will be given individual supplies to use.


  • We have always taken steps to ensure proper hygiene, but soap and water hand washing will be required throughout the day along with hand sanitizer. 
  • Cleaning and disinfecting will be happening daily and completed by staff with approved products. Teachers will be vacuuming, cleaning tables, toys, and bathrooms each day.  
  • Teachers will be using outdoor spaces more frequently as well.  
  • A professional cleaning service will come once a week.
  • Toys that can not be easily cleaned will be removed from classrooms.
  • Highly trafficked areas will be cleaned with increased frequency.
  • Cleaning products will not be used near children and staff will ensure adequate ventilation. 
  • Windows will be open when possible to assure air flow and ventilation.

Personal Belongings/Snack 

  • Students must have a change of clothes in a labeled Ziploc bag.  This can be changed out seasonally.  Wipes, pull ups, and diapers will need to be provided on the first day of school.  Teachers will communicate if their supply is running low.  
  • Only send items that are necessary for the school day.  
  • All jackets and backpacks should be labeled. 
  • Parents will be asked to provide snacks for the classroom on a rotating basis. 
  • Snacks must be prepacked or unopened.
  • We will not be accepting homemade treats this school year.
  • Classroom supplies will be provided with individual boxes as a safety precaution.


  • As long as Preschool is open, monthly tuition will be due.  This applies if the preschool is open only for a portion of the month.
  • If an extended closure, due to a mandated shutdown:  You may choose to enroll your four year old in the virtual program for a discounted price.You may choose to place your enrollment on hold until the preschool is able to open again.  

Payments will be due on the first of the month. 

School Closure

  • Faith United Preschool will plan to remain open unless Eastern York School District goes to a complete online platform.  In a temporary school closure, we will utilize a virtual platform for our four year old students.